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West Suburban Bass Angler - Monthly Meeting Minutes

January2025 Meeting Minutes

Here is the attendance and notes from our January meeting:


ATTENDEES:  Greg G, Kyle B, Mike O, Bill O, Dave H, Nate W, Dave V, Bart P, Mike R, Mike Woll, Mario M, Frank R, Umair F, Ryan S, Tim S

           Guest:  Andrew V



  1.  Welcome to WSBA for 2025.

  2. Rules will be posted on our website before the next meeting.

  3. Boaters were reminded to send their updated insurance information to Mike O.

  4. There is a mandatory Boater Safety course that is required by BASS and IBN.

  5. Annual Dues and Fees need to be paid. (To date, 16 members are registered for 2025 = 7 Boaters + 9 Non-Boaters).

  6. The IBN President's meeting is scheduled for February 22nd.  Nate & Kyle will attend.  There is a poker tournament immediately after the meeting.

  7. We requested that Nate ask the IBN what our State dues fund.

  8. We discussed the reason for IBN membership.

  9. Bedford Sales has their annual open house on Jan. 17 - 19.

  10. The Schaumburg Outdoors show is Jan. 23 - 26.  Club members usually attend on Friday and then go out to dinner.

  11. We discussed a possible joint tournament with another club.  Members were encouraged to ask other clubs if they are interested.

  12. We discussed the desire for Co-Anglers to be abler to fish any tournament that they want to enter.

  13. VP Kyle stated that there would not be a 50/50 raffle tonight.  He asked for fishing item donations from members for future raffles.

  14. Greg reported that we currently have an operating deficit of approximately $600.  This was due to the 3-year renewal of our website at the end of 2024 and extra costs for trophies and awards in 2024.  Prior member Dave Radionoff has re-joined the Club for 2025.

  15. Umair reported that he had been contacted by one potential new member.

  16. Mike Woll and Dave H are going to meet with the Palatine PD to discuss this year's Fishing Derby to be held on June 7.  We are also committed to the fishing class held the night before the Derby.  Members were encouraged to procure items for prizes at the Derby.  Palatine PD is going to try to sell table space to retailers/others to offset their costs.  Bass Pro/Cabela's is one possibility.  WSBA stated that we would be OK with this.

  17. Mike O and Dave H presented our 2025 schedule.  Mike Wright will post it on our website.

  18. We discussed possibly fishing "paper" tournaments in the future.

  19. Kyle did a presentation on Wire Tying Jig Skirts.


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