West Suburban Bass Angler - Monthly Meeting Minutes
January2023 Meeting Minutes
Here are the Attendance and Notes from our January 11, 2023 meeting:
Attendees: Greg G, Mike R, Dave H, Bill O, Andrew V, Steven K, Kyle B, Mike O, Frank R, James P, Mario M, Nate W, Bryan C, Bart P, Ricky L, Orlando T (new member).
Mike R welcomed all to 2023 season. Thanks to Dave H & Kyle B for their donations toward the 2023 AOY awards.
Congrats to 2022 AOY champs Steven K & Kyle B
Welcome to new Club Officers Dave H (Conservation Dir.) & Steven K (Asst. Tourn. Dir.)
Adam F. has decided not to rejoin for 2023. Bill O. volunteered to take the vacant VP position and was approved by a vote of members present. Thanks Bill!!
IBN President's meeting is Feb. 18th. They will once again have a Texas Hold 'em tournament after the meeting. We will submit a roster to the IBN prior to this meeting. The IBN is hosting a Team Series in 2023. 4 top finishers will go the Regional as part of the State Team.
Mike R & Tim G are fishing this year's Regional as part of the Illinois State Team on the Winneconne Chain.
The State Qualifier Tournament will be Sept. 9 & 10 on Pool 19 at Fort Madison.
We will distribute MAW tickeets at the March meeting.
Nate W gave a Membership update: No new contacts via the website. Nate will send Mike W the Co-Angler Hints he drafted to be posted on our website.
Mike O gave a Tournament update: He reviewed our schedule and has applied for permits. He will send the schedule to Mike W. to post on the website.
Boaters need to send Mike O their updated 2023 Insurance Certificates.
Greg G gave a financial update. We currently have a $1,725 balance in our account that includes paid dues from several members. Members need to pay 2023 dues = $170. Also, you must enter the Annual Big Bass Pot BEFORE the first tournament starts on April 22. This is optional.
Greg G is donating $400 to the Club for a Big Bag of the Year Pot. This pot will pay $200 to the Boater and $200 to the Non-Boater that bring the heaviest bag to the scales for any one day in a Club tournament. This includes 2 day events and the Classic. It does NOT have to be a 5 fish limit. If the heaviest bag of the year contains fewer than 5 fish, it counts.
February2023 Meeting Minutes
Here's the notes from today's meeting.
Rubino, M. Olson, Bart, Andrew, Pete, James, Mario
-Mike collected dues on behalf of Greg. Dues are due TODAY. Venmo Greg if you haven't already. It's $170+$25 for Big Bass
-Also renew your BASS membership if you haven't.
-Dave Homan has some prospects who may be interested in joining
-Bill & Mike going to President meeting on 2/18, and asking if anyone has any feedback for IBN for state tournament. There will be Poker
-Mike will find out about IBN deals and discounts there
-On 7/18 we'll have our July meeting due to the 2-day event conflicting with normal schedule. See website for more details
-Website says Braidwood is 5-fish limit, it's actually 3 fish limit
-IBN has a team series if people are interested. Can jump into any tournament, don't need to fish the whole series. $150 entry
-State tournament at Fort Madison, IA. Sign up sheet went around
-Still looking for Facebook password, we believe Bill has it
-Website needs to be updated to remove old sponsors and add new ones (including State Farm, and Bowerman Bait Co) and a few other updates
- Homan has been unable to get a hold of Palatine DNR regarding our conservation derby as of yet
- Geneva replaced Green on schedule due to permit issues
- Mike applied for Whitewater permit for 9/30 to spread out tournaments schedule better. With the original schedule, there was 3 tournaments back to back to back.
-Location of Ozarks tournament has been moved to Alhonna Resort, as Point Randall was booked. Let Mike know ASAP as he's calling to book cabins tomorrow and needs a legit headcount. It will then be your responsibility to leave a deposit.
-Boaters, send your insurance info to Mike O
March 2023 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and notes from our March 8, 2023 meeting:
Attendees: Greg G, Bill O, Mike O, Steven K, Bart P, Kyle B, Andrew V, Mike Woll, Mario M, Bryan C, Frank R
Greg to send current roster to members. Mike W. will post on our website.
Bill recapped the 2023 IBN President's Conference that he attended with Mike R:
In 2024, there will be a new qualifying process for the State team. 12 qualifiers from the State tournament + 8 from the IBN Team Series. There will be 5 Open Regionals with 250 boats in each. The IBN is heavily focused on their Team Series.
The 2023 State Qualifier is on Pool 19, Sept. 9- 10. You must go in pairs (Boater & Non-Boater).
IBN will again offer the rod purchase deal with St. Croix. You can get up to 6 rods at 50% off. Orders will be placed through the IBN Region 1 Director, Greg Waldon.
The MAW award went to a young man who wanted a fishing boat and was given one
The IBN had their poker tournament and raised $5,000 - $10,000 toward their expenses.
We discussed our first tournament at Lake of the Ozarks:
Cabins are all set/reserved for Thursday - Sunday. If staying longer, talk to the resort.
Lou will get food for dinner on Friday & Saturday. Those who are going MUST pay him for it.
The resort has a bar and restaurant on site.
Remember to get a Missouri license.
There is a 15 inch size limit.
Off limits will be determined once we arrive and know what the area looks like. Missouri rules now prohibit fishing near marina gas pumps.
Boaters need to send Mike O. their insurance certificates.
We drew partners for Lake of the Ozarks.
Bill O. will distibute this years MAW tickets at the April meeting. Everyone gets 15 as they are paid for with annual dues.
April 2023 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and notes from our April 12th meeting:
Attendees: Greg, Frank, Kyle, Bill, Andrew, Steven, Mike R., Mike O., Tim, Dave, Nate, Bart, Peter, James, Mario
We have a new member - Derek Johnston has joined as a Boater.
IBN updates:
The IBN needs a Boater for a high school tournament at Lake Clinton this Saturday.
Mike R. will obtain the coupon for 50% off of St. Croix Rods. Each member on the IBN Roster can get up to 5 rods.
The Ralph Sweat Memorial Charity tournament is on May 7th. The IBN has asked for a donation. It was decided that members can donate voluntarily to Mike R.
We have 12 members signed up for the State Tournament (7 Boaters + 5 Non-Boaters). Mike R. will arrange teams and captains. Contact Mike R. if you are interested in fishing.
Mike R. and Tim, who made this year's Regional Team got 30% off on Garmin products.
The current roster will be updated on our website. Greg will email it to Mike Wright to be posted.
Membership Report - None
Conservation Report:
The Palatine Fishing Derby is on May 13th. Dave created a list of volunteers to run the derby.
Frank ordered 6 more Ardent rod & reel combos at a total cost to WSBA of $135.
Bill distributed MAW tickets. Each member has paid for 15 tickets as part of their annual dues.
We discussed our tournament on Lake of the Ozarks:
There are 8 Boaters + 5 Non-Boaters fishing. We may have guests = friends of Lou join us too.
If going down on Wednesday, you must call and notifiy the resort.
Lou is buying food for dinners on Friday & Saturday. Plan on bringing cash to pay him for your share.
Remember to get your Missouri license.
Limit is 5 fish, 15 inches.
5 hooks are allowed on A-Rigs.
We drew partners for Pool 13 on May 6th. Mike O. will email out partners and take off order.
REMINDER: Please pay entry fees for the Ozarks and Pool 13 BEFORE the tournament. Venmo to @Greg-Groves-1.
May 2023 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and notes from last night's meeting:
Greg G, Frank R, Steven K, Kyle B, Dave H, Orlando T, Tim G, Andrew V, Bill O, Bart P, Nate W, Mike O, Mario M, Mike Woll.
Our Annual Conservation Project - The Palatine Fishing Derby is this Saturday, May 13th.
There is a Fishing Clinic on Friday, May 12th at the lake from 5:30- 6:30 pm. Volunteers needed.
We reviewed the members that will be there Saturday. Again, volunteers needed. 5 points toward AOY for participation.
If you can attend, be there between 6- 6:30 am for setup. Derby is from 8:00 - Noon.
Bring small tape measures for measuring fish.
We discussed the State Qualifier (6 Man) teams:
We need a Captain for Team 2. Based on last year's AOY points, Andrew is the Captain.
Steven is Captain of Team 1.
Team 1 has hotel rooms reserved. Team 2 will do so (Andrew).
We recapped our Lake of the Ozarks and Cal-Sag tournaments.
We drew partners for Lake Mendota and Lake Delevan.
The launch fee for Mendota must be pre-paid via the City of Madison Parks website.
Remember to get your Wis. fishing license.
We will finalize our July 2-day tournament at the June meeting.
June 2023 Meeting Minutes
Here are the Attendance and Notes from last night's meeting.
ATTENDEES: Greg G. Orlando T, Tim G, Andrew V, Steven K, Dave H, Bart P, Kyle B, Nate W, Mike O, Mike Woll, Peter R, Frank R, James P, Mario M
We welcomed guest and prospective member Umair.
We discussed the State Tournament. Those fishing should pay the $150 entry fee now.
Mike R. has codes for members that want to take advantage of the deal on St Croix Rods through the IBN.
Our July Meeting will be on TUESDAY, JULY 18TH!!!
We recapped the Palatine Fishing Derby:
There were 65 participants.
Only 6 members assisted + Frank's wife, Petra. We need more people to run the derby!!
Next year we will change how prizes are given out (hourly, etc.).
All the kids that were there this year took home a prize.
We will discuss ideas for next year. The Palatine Park District will visit one of our meetings to assist.
We will consider giving the Derby the same weight as a mandatory tournament that cannot be dropped. No participation = 0 points.
This is our annual Conservation Project that we MUST do in order to participate in the State Tournament.
We recapped the Mendota and Delavan Tournaments.
We drew partners for Lake Geneva. Take off will be at 6:00 am or earlier if all are present.
We discussed our 2-day tournament in July scheduled for Lake St. Clair. Only 6 members were committed to it. We discussed changing the location to Pool 19. 7 members committed to it and by vote of those present, the location was changed to Pool 19. Mike O. will work on lodging.
We drew partners for Pool 19 in July.
July 2023 Meeting Minutes
Here is the Attendance and Notes from our July 18th meeting.
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Mike R, Dave H, Kyle B, Bart P, Steven K, Frank R, Peter R, Mike O
Mike R. and Tim G. fished the BASS Regional on Lake Winnebago. Team Illinois won the state competition for the first time ever, beating Wisconsin on their home water.
We discussed the 2023 State Tournament in September. We are down to 1 Team as members have withdrawn. The Boaters are Steven, Frank, and Tim. Non-Boaters are Kyle, Nate, and Mike Wollenberg. The entry form will be submitted this week.
We discussed the cancellation of our July 2-day tournament. It was agreed that this should not happen again as long as there are even 2 or 3 Boats fishing. In the off season, we will discuss moving this 2-day tournament to June or August to improve participation.
We welcomed Umair who fished with us as a guest at Lake Geneva. Umair has now joined the Club as a Non-Boater.
It was suggested that the Club Roster be moved to the top of the drop down menu on our website as it is difficult to access from a cell phone.
We discussed our Conservation Project for 2024. We need to select a date by Sept. 1. Dave H. will select the date and let the Palatine park District know.
We discussed fish kills during tournaments. Frank provided tips on how to avoid it.
We discussed the location of our 2023 Classic. We will vote on it in August. Suggested locations are Long Lake, WI, Big Bay De Noc, LaCrosse (Miss. River).
We drew partners for our Lake Tichigan tournament.
August 2023 Meeting Minutes
Here are the Attendance and Notes from our August 9, 2023 meeting:
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Mike O, Bart P, Frank R, Dave H, Steven K, Kyle B, Bill O, Tim G, Mike R, Mike Woll, Mario M
We welcomed guest attendee Alex.
Tim G talked about the Regional Tournament that he and Mike R fished.
We recapped our Lake Geneva Tournament.
If you want to get in on the St. Croix rod deal offered to IBN members, contact Mike R.
We discussed our Tichigan tournament on Augst 12. Be wary of fish care in the warm weather.
Steven K. is still leading the Big Bass and Big Bag of the Year for Boaters. (Greg G is leading Big Bag of the year for Non-Boaters).
We drew partners for Pool 14 on August 26th. Note that you can lock up to Pool 13 if you choose.
We discussed and voted for the site of our Classic in October. It will be held on Long Lake in Wisconsin. Mike O. will plan lodging.
The date for our 2024 Conservation Project (Palatine Fishing Derby) has been set for June 1, 2024.
September 2023 Meeting Minutes
Here are the attendance and notes from our Sept. 13th meeting:
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Mike R, Steven K, Nate W, Dave H, Bill O, Tim G, Bart P, Mario M, Peter R, Mike Woll, Mike O, Frank R, Umair F, Kyle B
GUESTS: Steve and Alex
We welcomed guests Steve and Alex.
Congrats to our team that fished the State Tournament and finished in 3rd Place. Congrats to Steven who took 3rd Place overall with the largest limit on Day 2 and qualified for next year's State Team & Regional. Special thanks to Andrew who filled in for Tim at the last minute when Tim's boat went down. Everyone worked as a team and shared info.
We discussed the changes that are coming next year to the Regional tournaments. These will actually be Opens.
MAW tickets were not turned in on time. Thus, none of our tickets were in the drawing for prizes. Apologies to all for this mistake.
Mike R. won our annual Fantasy Fishing Competition.
We recapped the Pool 14 tournament.
We reviewed the AOY standings.
We reviewed the Annual Big Bass leader (Steven) and the Big Bag leaders (Steven & Greg).
We discussed our upcoming Braidwood tournament. There is a 3 fish, 15 inch limit. The gates to the launch open at 6:00 am.
We drew partners for Braidwood (9/23) and Whitewater (9/30).
We discussed plans for our Classic tournament.