West Suburban Bass Angler - Monthly Meeting Minutes
January2024 Meeting Minutes
Here are the Attendance and Notes from our January 10th meeting:
Greg G, Dave H, Mike R, Peter R, Steven K, Bill O, Andrew V, Bart P, Lou G, Mike O, Nate W, Kyle B, Mike Wol, Frank R, Umair F, Mario M
Guests: Tim & Alex
Nate welcomed all to the 23rd year of WSBA.
Dave H. has obtained a COI for the Club to have a booth at the Schaumburg Outdoors Show later this month.
The Palatine Fishing Derby, our Conservation event, is scheduled for Jume 1st.
Mike O. presented the 2024 Tournament schedule.
We introduced guests Tim & Alex.
The annual IBN Presidents meeting will be held on Feb. 17th.
Kyle will have MAW tickets at the March meeting. We will try to obtain MAW tickets early to sell at the Schaumburg show.
The 2024 State tournament will be held Sept. 7 - 8.
Umair has created an Instagram account for the Club. He is working on the Facebook page. He would like to shoot a brief video to share on social media.
Greg reminded all that 2024 Dues need to be paid. These Dues are needed by the February meeting (to be held Feb. 7th).
Greg will amend the Club Rules based on the changes voted at the November 2023 meeting.
Frank asked that regular Financial updates and reports be given at meetings.
Greg presented tables based on the current format for tournament payouts. These were discussed and the Club will decide how they will be amended for 2024.
Greg will develop an Operating Budget for the February meeting.
The Schaumburg Outdoors Show is Jan. 25 - 28. We have 6 passes for members to work at our booth. Steven, Bill, Mike R, Mike Wol, Peter, Kyle, Mike O, Umair all volunteered time. Flyers and a sign-in sheet will be needed. We will be at Booth 904, near the Boat area.
February2024 Meeting Minutes
Here is the Attendance and Meeting Notes from our Feb. 7 Meeting:
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Mike O, Peter R, Frank R, Bill O, Steven K, Dave H, Nate W, Mario M, Kyle B, James P, Mike Wol, Bart P, Mike R
Guests: Ryan & Dave V (Dave V has joined WSBA for 2024)
We welcomed guests Ryan and Dave Valentino who we met at the Schaumburg Outdoor Show.
Nate and Kyle will attend the Annual IBM Presidents Meeting on 2/17.
We discussed our participation/booth at the Schaumburg Outdoor Show. Bill O donated a rod/reel combo that we raffled off. We made $120 from the raffle. We met an Alaskan Outfitter that offered a discounted salmon fishing trip to us.
We need to add our Monthly Meeting Schedule to our Tournament Schedule on our website. Also need to add the date for the Fishing Derby (6/1/24).
Braidwood Lake opens for fishing on March 1. Nate may host a friendly tournament on March 16.
It was noted that there is a Toyota Series tournament on March 7 at Kentucky Lake.
Kyle sold 50/50 Raffle Tickets. Total of $66 to WSBA.
Greg has currently paid $30/member dues to BASS for 16 Members = $480 to be re-imbursed by the Club. All paid members will be added to the BASS and IBN rosters this week.
Dave Homan reminded us that the Palatine Fishing Derby is June 1. We need participants to run the Derby as well as prizes to hand out.
Umair has an Instagram account for WSBA.
Mike O. updated us on our tournament schedule. Lake Delavan has been moved to 9/14 so it doesn't conflict with the State Qualifier on 9/7. Mike is still investigating lodging for Kentucky Lake. Boaters need to submit their annual insurance certificates to Mike O.
We reviewed the information that Nate put together with Greg and Frank for Tournament Payouts. We then voted on changes:
Payout will now be 80% of total entries with 20% to the Club fund.
Payouts will be done via an Even Distribution per the Handout.
There will be an Adjusted Payout Rate when going from paying 2 spots for up to 7 entries TO 8 or 9 entries per handout.
3 Entries or less will be Winner Take All.
March 2024 Meeting Minutes
Here are the Attendance and Meeting Notes from last night's meeting:
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Mike O, Steven K, Kyle B, Nate W, Dave H, Mike R, Bart P, Bill O, Frank R, Peter R, Mike Wol, Mario M, Umair F
NEW MEMBERS THAT JOINED AT THE MEETING: Roger Fieser, Dave Cigrang, Ryan Slager (All added to this email)
GUEST: Tim Garner
Welcome to New Members Roger F, who is returning after a couple of years off, Dave C, and Ryan S.
Nate reviewed the 2024 IBN President's Conference.
The IBN needs sponsors and Boaters for it's Youth tournaments.
They have not yet finalized the St. Croix rods sponsorship for the IBN discount.
Rules and Expenses were reviewed at the annual meeting.
The State Qualifier Tournament will be held at the Illinois River.
Nate is hosting a friendly tournament this Saturday, 3/16 at Braidwood. If it is too windy, it will be on the Des Plaines River. Entry is $40 per Boat. Winner take all.
We discussed having some side bets/pots this year. To be discussed at each tournament.
Kyle has Make-A-Wish tickets. Each member will receive 15 at the April meeting.
Dave H reminded us that the Palatine Fishing Derby is on June 1st.
We discussed and drew partners for Kentucky Lake.
Boaters need to book their hotel room. Rooms are in Mike O's name and WSBA.
We will launch at Sled Creek.
You must get a Kentucky license.
April 2024 Meeting Minutes
Roger, Nate, Mike O. Kyle, Pete, Frank, Dave V., Ryan, Bart,Tim G, Mario, Bill, Tim S. Steven, Dave H. David Cigrang
1. Good luck to Steven fishing the IBN Regionals in Lacrosse on May 4.
2. The Ralph Sweatt Memorial Tournament is on the same date and might be sketchy since many of the organizers are attending the Regional event.
3. Conservation Report with Homan:
1. A reminder that the derby is on June 1st at Harper College (6:30 setup to 11) and we still need firm commitments from at least 10 volunteers. Family and friends are welcome. We will have a signup sheet at the next meeting, but you can email Kyle ahead of the meeting to volunteer in advance. It is a good time!
2. Also, we need to check on rods, inventory, and the budget for prizes for the kids. Frank mentioned his sponsor has kids' rods again. Frank, Greg, and Rubino to follow up on what we have left over and what we have in the budget to buy.
3. Dave will follow up on the casting class on Friday. Is that still a go?
4. Frank will MC again. Thank you, Frank.
5. Dave will get soda and snacks. What is the budget for this, Greg?
4. KY Lake Recap;
congratulations to:
1. Non-boaters: (1) Pete, (2) Mario, (3) Kyle
2. Boaters: (1) Bill, (2) Steven, (3) Bart
3. Big Bass: Steven 4.02 (expect to fall soon)
4. We will get final weights from Greg soon.
5. The winning pattern was a Wacky worm on flats in the pockets and jigs.
6. Bill came in too hot and broke a strut on his roller bumper, but Andrew's friend Jesse promptly welded it back.
7. Congrats to Bart and his new boat on its inaugural tournament: (Team Rippin Darts)
8. Nate and his phone got wet
9. Lou was missed
10. Roger was denied milk for his cereal on game day.
11. Ky Burritos were delish
12. Bill and Kyle may have shared a tick
13. Congrats to everyone who participated; tough and rising conditions for the weekend but a lot of fun. Thanks to Mike O for organizing the trip and the accommodations.
14. Send Photos to Umar
5. Pool 13 (May 4) Pairings and Launch order:
1. Frank / Roger
2. Bill / Dave V.
3. Rubino / Ryan
4. Homan / Mario
5. Nate / Peter
6. Mike O / Kyle
7. Wollenberg / James
Non-boater standby list:
1. Greg
2. Umar
- [ ] Frank and Rubino to check on how many rods/prizes are left from last year.
- [ ] Greg to let us know what we have in the budget to buy more prizes.
- [ ] Dave's casting class Friday night.
May 2024 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and notes from our May 8th meeting:
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Kyle B, Frank R, Roger F, Nate W, Peter R, Dave H, Tim S, Dave C, James P, Umair F, Dave V, Mike Woll, Mario M
GUESTS: Tim G, Petra R, Alex, Scott B (joined as a Boater and has been added to this email list)
Frank thanked everyone for the well wishes while he was in the hospital last weekend.
We welcomed our guests to the meeting.
Steven K is fishing the BASS Regional at Lacrosse. He had 10 lbs. on the first day, but lost some large fish.
Per Frank's message, ALL Boaters must complete a Boater Safety course by Jan. 1, 2025 to be eligible to fish BASS tournaments. This includes WSBA events.
The 2024 IBN State tournament is Sept. 7-8 on the Des Plaines River out of Morris. Entry fee is $200.
Our annual Conservation Project, the Palatine Fishing Derby is June 1st at Harper College. Please be there by 6:30 am for set up. The derby runs from 8;00 am to 11:30 am. We have $250 budgeted for the purchase of additional prizes (we have 8 rod/reel combos). Greg will purchase chips and drinks to sell at the derby.
Please send Umair photos from Pool 13 to be posted on social media.
Umair will put our weigh-ins on Instagram Live.
Kyle Distributed Make-A-Wish tickets to all in attendance.
Greg stated that this year, payouts will occur after every tournament.
We recapped Pool 13. Thanks to Mike Wollenberg for using his boat so another Non-Boater could fish.
We drew partners for Green Lake and Mendota.
Jun 2024 Meeting Minutes
Here is the Attendance and Notes from our June 12, 2024 meeting:
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Mike O, Steven K, Tim S, Frank R, Bill O, Bart P, Mike R, Dave H, Kyle B, Nate W, Ryan S, Mike Woll, Roger F, Mario M, Umair F, Scott B
Nate reviewed the IBN State Tournament to be held on 9/7 & 9/8 out of Morris, IL. The roster is due by 8/1 in Teams of 6 (Nate to confirm).
Dave H updated and thanked us for the Palatine Fishing Derby. 16 members were on hand to help. We netted $230 for the Club. It was decided we should order 12 - 16 kids rod/reel combos and 8 adult/other combos. On 6/13, Frank R ordered 10 kids combos and 6 spinning combos. However, he was notified by Ardent that the kids combos were sold out and that our order was upgraded for free. Total cost was $256.50 (a savings of over $300).
Kyle will distribute the remaining MAW tickets next month. He will fill out tickets for those not present.
Greg restated that the Club netted $230 from the Fishing Derby. Dave H did not take payment for prizes he purchased and Greg donated the chips, drinks, and ice.
Umair had nothing new to report for Social Media.
We recapped the Green Lake and Mendota tournaments.
We drew partners for LaCrosse on June 22 - 23.
We discussed how points should work when a Guest fishes a tournament. This was tabled until we review rule changes in October.
July 2024 Meeting Minutes
Nate, Roger, Bill, Frank, Mike W, Dave V, Tim S, Scott B, Bart, Ryan, Mike R. Dave H, Dave C, Umair, Pete and Kyle
Meeting Minutes:
1. Kyle passed out some more tickets, we still have ticket for Lou, Mike Olson, Derrick, Steven, Matt Olson
2. Recap Lacrosse, Bill caught them on the weeds... and ordered a chicken cobb salad, Franks says it was the wheat grass with the Gold top,. Dave caught them on the frog followup by a senko on his glorious Second day. Black river on the second day. Dave, "it was not a typical Lacrosse."
3. IBN 9/7 - 9/8 we have a team plus 1 pair - Nate will follow up
Dave Homan
Rubino (paid tonight)
maybe (Scott)
Mike Wolenbarger
maybe (Kyle)
4. Steven and Bill are neck and neck for aoy
5. Frank has surgery on August 8th in Milwaukee. We all wish him good luck
Wind Lake Pairings
Mike Olson / Dave C
Steven / Wollenberg
Bill / Umari
Nate / Tim S
Rubino / Kyle
? Matt
? Homan
? Scott
1st n/b standby: Pete
2nd n/b standby Ryan
3rd nb standby Greg
We have three boaters that are a maybe and we have three n/b waiting for a spot. If you have any change of plans please let Mike or Steve know as soon as possible. Mike will send out the launch order later.
Please Pay Greg if you haven't already you owe $85
Paid tonight: Dave C, Rubio, Wollenberg
Nagawicka Pairings
Bill / Pete
Nate / Umair
Rubio / Wollenberg
Bart / Kyle
Scott / Greg
Steven / Roger
Mike Olson / Valentino
Matt / Dave C
maybe (Homan)
Good job matching counts
Please Pay Greg if you haven't already you owe $85
Paid tonight: Roger, Bart, Dave C., Rubino
Mike will send out the launch order later.
Greg I collected $650 in checks and $150 in cash. I will follow up with you on transferring that to you.
Mike Wright - can you make the following changes to the member roster on the website please:
1. update to 2024
2. Make Nate Wilson President
3. Make Kyle Bowerman Vice President
4. Add Scott Behrendt (B), scottbehrendt@me.com, 630-728,9669 (Greg can you send Mike Scott's Address and BASS ID)
August 2024 Meeting Minutes
Here are the Attendance and Notes from our August 14th meeting:
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Mike O, Roger F, Tim S, Mike Woll, Mike R, Kyle B, Nate W, Bill O, Dave H, Mario M, Bart P, Ryan S, Umair F
1. The IBN State Tournament is on Sept. 7 - 8. We have a 6-person team. If you are on that team, please pay Greg your $200 entry fee asap. If fishing on
Friday, Sept. 6, you must go out of the launch ramp at Morris. The rivers are off limits as of Sept. 1st.
2. We completed the AOY tickets and gave them to Nate to submit.
3. The AOY race was tight going into Nagawicka with Bill leading the Boaters and Peter the Non-Boaters.
4. Nate has a narrow lead over Greg in Fantasy Fishing with one tournament left.
5. We will vote on rule changes in November. Please have suggestions in September so that we can discuss in a timely manner in October.
6. VP/ Conservation/Membership Directors had no updates.
7. Bill O suggested that we hold a brief discussion on fishing tips, etc. at each meeting. Bill will present in September, Dave H in October.
8. Greg reviewed the Big Bass and Big Bag leaders:
a. Bill is leading Big Bass with his 4.6 that he caught at LaCrosse.
b. Steven leads the Boaters for Big Bag with his 16.8 lbs caught at Green.
c. Umair leads the Non=Boaters for Big Bass with his 11.84 lbs caught at Green.
d. All 3 categories are open through the entire season, including the Classic.
9. We recapped the Wind Lake and Nagawicka tournaments.
10. The Classic is tentatively scheduled for Oct. 26-27 pending lodging reservations at the Alhona resort on Lake of the Ozarks. More info to come.
11. We drew partners for the Madison Chain tournament on August 24th.
September 2024 Meeting Minutes
Here are the Attendance and Notes from last night's meeting:
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Roger F, Frank R, Bill O, Mike O, Mike R, Bart P, Nate W, Tim S, Kyle B, Dave H, Steven K, Dave C, Dave V, Mario M, Mike Woll, Pete R, Umair F
Nate reviewed the IBN State Tournament last weekend. There were fewer boats this year - 48.
Nate updated the AOY races. Bill leads Steven and Mike R on the Boater side. Pete leads Kyle and Greg on the Non-Boater side.
Bring your ideas for rule changes to the October meeting so we can discuss. Voting for rule changes and new officers will be in November.
Nate's wife is sponsoring a fundraiser for Downs Syndrome. Individuals can make a donation. More info from Nate to follow.
Treasurer's Update - We currently have a net balance of approximately $3500. Greg will email the payouts for the Classic after the Okauchee tournament.
Props to Umair for organizing our Member Tips and How To sessions that will occur at each meeting.
We discussed a booth at the Schaumburg Outdoors show. Steven to get info for the October meeting. We determined that we need to recruit Boaters, but won't turn away Non-Boaters too.
Conservation - No Update.
Membership - We had one inquiry on our website but there was no contact info given to us.
We recapped the Madison Chain Tournament.
We drew partners for Delavan, Okauchee, and the Classic (Lake of the Ozarks).
We discussed the Classic and Lodging for it:
Cabins reserved for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Call the resort and leave a deposit if you are going.
Lou will host us at his lake house for a fish fry. We will ask him to do it on Thursday night.
We will BBQ at the resort on Saturday night. One person to buy & bring the food.
Everyone is on their own for dinner Friday night.
Sunrise is at 6:30 am. We will fish from 6:30 - 2:30 at Delavan on Saturday.
Bill did a great job with his presentation on Neko rigging. Umair recorded it for posting on social media.
October 2024 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and notes from the October meeting:
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Bill O, Mike O, Mike R, Dave H, Bart P, Frank R, Kyle B, Tim S, Dave C, Nate W, Umair F
We voted on the location for the 2025 State Qualifier Tournament. The Fox Chain won our vote.
Congrats to AOY's Bill and Pete, who ran away with it this year.
Nate updated us on the GiGi Fundraiser for his wife. We raised $700 (THANKS!!). This entitles us to a table at the Gala with our logo on the slide show.
We discussed plaques and awards for 2024. Tim S and Ryan S will need new plaques.
We discussed possible rule changes for 2025:
Should there be a 3 fish limit for Co-Anglers/Non-Boaters?
If a guest fishes a tournament, should his place in the results not affect our AOY points?
Should a guest be allowed to fish for free?
Should we reciprocate with another Club? Have a combined tournament with them? Host an Open tournament?
Should we ban the use of nets in our tournaments?
How many tournaments should a member have to fish to qualify for the Classic (5 -6 - 7)?
Should we alter our points system?
Should WSBA pay members that fish the State Qualifier?
Umair suggested that we find a way to ensure Co-Anglers are all able to fish the same number of tournaments if we have member that get drawn out.
Greg suggested that we add money to the Big Bass Pot at the Classic since we pay big bass for each day. Currently, there are 11 members fishing the Classic, so the $55 pot would pay $27.50 per day. We will decide this while we are at Lake of the Ozarks prior to the start of the tournament.
We recapped the Delavan and Okauchee tournaments.
We discussed the Classic:
Don't forget to buy a Missouri license.
We will have dinner at Lou's house on Thursday. Friday and Saturday we will have dinner at the resort (cookout).
The minimum length for fish is 15 inches. Spotted bass is 12 inches.
You are allowed 3 hooks on a Alabama rig.
Dave H. presented his system for fishing jerkbaits.
November 2024 Meeting Minutes
Here are the attendance and notes from our November 13th meeting:
ATTENDEES: Mike R, Dave H, Mike O, Greg G, Roger F, Frank R, Bill O, Nate W, Steven K, Mike Woll, Bart P, Kyle B, Tim S, Peter R, Ryan S, Dave V, Mario M, Umair F
Nate gave a 2024 season wrap up.
Greg stated that end of the year payouts will ocur this month instead of December as he will not be able to attend the December banquet.
Umair stated that we need people to sign up for monthly sessions on fishing techniques/topics.
Mike O needs lake suggestions for next year. He will have probable dates by next month.
Mike O stated that Illinois no longer requires permits for tournaments with fewer than 20 participants.
We recapped out Classic at Lake of the Ozarks.
There were no topics for open discussion.
We voted for 2025 Club Officers:
President = Nate W
Vice President = Kyle B
Secretary/Treasurer = Greg G
Tournament Director = Mike O
Assistant Tournament Director = Dave H (Dave will be TD for 2026)
Membership Director=Umair F
Conservation Director = Mike Woll
We voted on Rule Changes for 2025:
3 Fish Limit for Non-Boaters = Rejected (NO)
When a guest fishes, should it impact the AOY points = Rejected (NO). (**If the guest subsequently joins the Club, he will NOT receive the points form the tournament he fished as a guest).
Should a guest be allowed to fish for free and not be eligible for prize money = Rejected (NO)
Should we ban the use of nets in tournaments = Rejected (NO) (**Our Rules state that net use is at the discretion of the Boater).
How many tournaments should an angler have to fish to qualify for the Classic (currently 5) = Remains at 5 tournaments.
Should we have a booth at the Schaumburg Ourdoor show in 2025 = Rejected (NO)
Should WSBA pay members that fish the IBN State Qualifier = Rejected (NO)
Should we remove the 3 year restriction on where our Classic is held = YES. It is Now 1 year. (We can't fish the same place 2 years in a row).
Should we alter our Points System = Rejected (NO)
Should we increasee the Big Bass fee for tournaments by $5 = YES. (Big Bass Fee for each tournament is now $10).
Additional Topics/Changes:
Should we do a combined tournament with another club = Tabled until January.
Do we need to alter our current paypout structure = Rejected (NO)
What is a better system to ensure Non-Boaters don't get let on shore when there are not enough Boaters.......Tabled until January.
Umair did a presentation on Drop Shotting.