West Suburban Bass Angler - Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 2016 Meeting Minutes
1.) Lake Sara-
Mike has been researching Anthony Acres as our lodging option while we are at Lake Sara.
Each unit is equipped with a boat ramp and dock
Rates would be about $110-$130 a night
Here is there website if anyone wants to check it out - http://www.anthonyacres.com/index.html
2.) Fishing Derby-
We settled on May 21st as the date for the fishing derby
Bill will send out an Email with more info
3.) Sponsorship-
We had a long discussion about getting sponsorship's for the club
Steve is going to be sponsoring the Big Bass of the Classic.
4.) General-
Collected Dues
Please send updated insurance to Mike O.
Bill and Ricky are going to the IBN meeting
Schaumburg sports show is January 28th-31st
If anyone is looking to add to their reel collection the Kenosha Dicks Sporting Goods has an Abu Garcia Revo MGX for $150. Here is a link to the Tackle Warehouse page- http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Abu_Garcia_REVO_MGX_Casting_Reel/descpage-AMGX.html. Its never been used and has just sat in a glass case for a while. Just let me know if anyone is interested and ill pick it up for you and bring it to the next meeting. Other than that I hope everyone has a good week.
February 2016 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes from last week's meeting. Sorry for the delay, but both Nathan and I have been pretty tied up. We'll make sure we get them out within a couple of days of the meeting.
1. We said Hi to some old friends (Vince R.) and new ones (Sean, Ralph, and Frank).
2. Bill O. updated us on the IBN President's Conference. Not much has changed. There is no more 6 Man Tournament. It is now a State tournament that will be fished in a Boater vs. Boater, Non-Boater vs. Non-boater format. Clubs can send between 2 - 20 people (in pairs). They are trying to fund a 20 man State team (10 Boaters & 10 Non-Boaters) that will compete on the regional level. There are now 3 regions - West, Central, and East. Individuals can win money at the State and Regional level. The top Boater from the Regional toes to the Bassmaster Classic.
This year's State tournament is Sept. 9-10 on East Fork Lake.
3. We discussed our Conservation Project = Palatine Fishing Derby. We need participation and volunteers. It will take place on May 21st with the usual fishing class that we host taking place the Friday night before. Palatine PD will still stock the lake for the derby. We are looking for sponsors and someone to provide food/concessions. There is a mortgage company that Steve W. works with who may be willing to sponsor the event.
4. We talked about the new website. Kudos to Mike W. for designing it!!!
5. We talked about new jerseys. Contact Frank R. if you want to order or need info. They will be customized per individual and will cost between $65 - $112 based on your design. Make sure you contact vendors/companies for permission to use their name and/or logo.
6. We distributed rosters, rules, and member packets. Make sure you sign and return that last page of this year's rules. Also, make sure Boaters give Mike O. or Steve W. your new and current insurance certificates. Finally, all tournament permits have been applies for.
7. We discussed our first tournament at Lake Sara. Mike O. has blocked some rooms so make sure you call and make your reservation. There is an $80 lake usage sticker that must be purchased from the resort. The money is refunded after our tournament.
8. Ricky distributed MAW tickets. Each member must take and buy/sell a minimum of 10 tickets x $2 each. The $20 must be paid when you get your tickets.
9. We held our annual tackle swap and did a 50/50 raffle.
March 2016 Meeting Minutes
Hope everyone is having a good week. Here are the notes from this weeks meeting.
1.Conservation Project- May 21st
At next months meeting Roger and Steve would like everyone who is volunteering at the fishing derby to sign up for different roles (registration table, concessions, golf cart drivers, and fish recorders).
It looks like we will need a minimum of 12 volunteers this year
2. Jerseys-
please decide by next meeting if you will want to order a jersey
Juan got in contact with someone who is willing to cut us a deal on the jerseys but we need to order a minimum of 10
3. Insurance-
Mike O. still needs some boaters to send him their insurance info please get that to him before the first tournament
4. We picked partners for Lake Sara
5. We had the 50/50 raffle
Just a heads up to anyone interested at the Dick's Sporting Goods I work at we have an Abu Garcia REVO S spinning reel on clearance (http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Abu_Garcia_REVO_S_Spinning_Reel/descpage-RCS.html) if anyone is interested just let me know and ill pick it up for you.
Lake Sara - pairings and launch order
1. Adam and Ralph
2.Steve and Rickey
3. Mike O. and Greg
4. Mike R. and Nathan
5. Bill and Roger
6. Mike W. and Juan
April 2016 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes from last night's meeting:
1. We introduced and welcomed new members (Sean B. & Kennedy G.) and guests (Nate).
2. Roger updated the Conservation Project = Palatine Fishing Derby. He passed around sign up sheets. We need 12 members (minimum) to help run the derby. He also passed out the letter and flier for the derby that can/will be distributed to businesses. We need prize donations. Roger will finalize plans at the May meeting.
3. Mike W. has uploaded video to our website from Lake Sara.
4. We updated members on ordering Club jerseys. They are to be done individually. Contact Julie at Rayjus. Please put the WSBA logo front and center. We can use Lee's Bait & Tackle logo as well.
5. We recapped our first tournament, Lake Sara.
6. We drew for partners for Lake Wisconsin on April 30 and Lake Okauchee on May 14. Mike O. will send out partners and take off orders.
In attendance: Ricky L., Bill O., Mike O., Greg G., Frank R., Bill Z., Sean B., Mike R., Adam F., Juan S.,
Mike W., Roger F., Steve W., Kennedy G., and Nate (guest).
Pairings and launch orders
Lake Wisconsin
1. Steve W and Roger F
2. Scott S and Sean
3. Adam and Greg
4. Mike O and Billy Z
5. Joe V and Ricky
6. Mike R and Glen
7. Mike W and Nathan
Lake Okauchee
1. Adam and Kennedy
2. Frank and Juan
3. Mike R and Ricky
4. Steve and Greg
5. Bill O and Sean
6. Mike O and Roger
7. Mike W and Glen
May 2016 Meeting Minutes
1. Conservation Project- May 21st
We went over the details for the fishing derby.
still need some donations for prizes (unused lures/soft plastics)
anyone coming to the derby please bring a bump board or tape measure
2. We recapped Lake Wisconsin
3. We briefly talked about Lake Okauchee. Please be at the launch as early as possible. There is a 25-30 boat tournament launching at 7:00 am.
4. Frank, who is a friend of Steve's, is going to sponsor our classic and also help out at the fishing derby. Steve donated $120 to the club off his commission for the sale of Frank Ramsey's new house. Congrats on the new place Frank!
5. We drew partners for Big Green
6. Glen donated a rod that was raffled off.
7. 50/50 raffle
Here are the pairings and launch order for Big Green on June 4th.
1. Joe V and Nathan
2. Scott S and Greg
3. Mike R and Roger F
4. Frank R and Billy Z
5. Adam F and Sean
6. Mike O and Ricky
7. Mike W and Kennedy
8. Bill O and Juan
June 2016 Meeting Minutes
1. We welcomed our new boater Lou
2. Conservation Project-
We talked a little about this years fishing derby and some ideas for next year. Todd from the park district attended the meeting. Big thanks again to Roger and Steve you guys did an amazing job.
Keep sending in requests for the lake you would like to go to on the website. Next meeting we will discuss the lakes that were requested.
4.Weigh in procedure-
Bill brought up that our weigh in procedure has been a little lackluster lately. We discussed some ideas on how to make weighing in a little more efficient. One of the ideas we settled on was weighing in by launch numbers.
5. We recapped Okauchee and Green Lake
6. Sturgeon Bay-
We talked about Sturgeon Bay for a little bit. Steve had sent out two emails going over the boating requirements and the A-rig regulations. If you have any questions please refer to these two emails. Steve also recommended that you print out the attachment in the A-rig email just in case you have an issue with a DNR warden. We also talked about plans to cook out at Sturgeon.
7.Drew partners for Sturgeon Bay-
1. Mike O and Nathan
2.Mike W.
3. Steve and Kennedy
4. Mike R
5. Bill O and Ricky
6. Adam and Glenn
7. Lou and Roger
July 2016 Meeting Minutes
As Nathan is busy at work, here are the notes from our July meeting:
1. We discussed our Club Classic set for the weekend of Oct. 15th. Please email Mike Olson with your suggestions for our destination. We will decide where we are going at the August meeting.
2. We discussed our weigh in procedure (to be done by boat take off order). Please remember to take care of your fish in the warmer weather. Use ice as needed and make sure aerators are working properly.
3. We recapped our Sturgeon Bay tournament.
4. We discussed rules and regs. for Pool 13.
5. We drew partners for Pool 13.
6. We welcomed new member and Non-Boater, Jerry Colcagno, to the Club.
August 2016 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes from the August 10th meeting:
1. We received a check for $500 from Steve's business associate, Frank S. This check will go toward big bass at our Classic. $300 to the angler that catches the fish and $100 to the angler that nets the fish. $50 goes to the pot and the other $50 is the sponsorship fee.
2. We recapped the Pool 13 tournament.
3. We discussed the State Qualifier. We are sending 4 anglers (2 Boaters = Mike O. & Frank R. + 2 Non-Boaters = Ricky & Jerry). Since Juan had to drop out and would have qualified via points from last year, we drew from the 4 guys that wanted to go. Jerry was selected first. If he can't go, then next is Kennedy, followed by Sean, and Bill Z.
4. We discussed our Classic location. The top 3 choices based on input sent in from members were:
Kentucky Lake, Lacrosse, and Lake St. Clare. We then voted and will be fishing Lacrosse the weekend of Oct. 15th. Please try to go, we should have a pretty good payout this year.
5. We drew partners for the Madison Chain (Aug. 13th) & Geneva (Aug 28th).
September 2016 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes from our Sept. 14th meeting:
1. We recapped the IBN State Qualifier tournament fished by Mike O., Frank R., Ricky L., and Jerry C. It was held on East Fork Lake which is a small lake similar to Lake Sara. The fishing was tough - it only took 8.5 lbs (2 day total) to make the Top 10 on the Boater side.
2. We recapped our Madison Chain and Lake Geneva tournaments.
3. Mike O. has emailed us on hotel arrangements for our Classic at Lacrosse (Days Inn). Please call them and put a room in your name.
4. We discussed our Classic.
5. We drew partners for Pewaukee, Whitewater, Lacrosse.
6. Greg gave a brief financial update. We will have at least $3,000 to commit to the Classic payout!! Also, there is the Classic Big Bass donation from Steve W. that will pay $300 to the guy that catches big bass + $100 for the guy who is in the boat with him. And, we have the donation from Frank S. that provides an additional $200 each for the Classic champions (Boater & Non-Boater).
7. We discussed our weigh-in process. We need to make sure we don't have guys standing and waiting with fish in weigh-in bags. Also, please do NOT just dump your fish out to be weighed and walk away. You are responsible for making sure they get put back into the lake in a timely manner.
October 2016 Meeting Minutes
Here are the notes from our Oct. meeting. My sincere apologies. I had drafted them, but never hit send. I didn't realize it until Mike W. emailed me this morning.
1. We discussed nominations for Club Officers for next year. Mike R. nominated Ricky for Asst. Tournament Director. Please email suggestions.
2. We discussed rule changes for next year. We will vote in November. Again, please email suggestions.
3. Please start thinking about lakes to fish next year. Email suggestions to Mike O.
4. Steve W. reminded us it is now time to start preparing for next year's Palatine Fishing Derby. We need to contact potential sponsors and look for new ones at the outdoor shows.
5. We recapped our Pewaukee and Whitewater tournaments.
6. We recapped the Classic.
7. Mike R. is hosting Fallen Leaves tournaments at Lake Geneva on Oct. 29th and Nov. 19th.
8. Steve presented checks to Bill O. for the Big Bass of the Classic and to Bill Z. for netting it.
November 2016 Meeting Minutes
OK Guys:
Here are the real meeting notes from last night. I couldn't resist messing with everyone since ONLY 7 of us were present!! I'm actually quite disappointed since this is probably the most important meeting of the year. Not to mention that nobody sent in any rule changes nor did anyone volunteer (before last night) to become a Club Officer. We had a great year. If we want to keep moving forward and making the Club stronger, we need to get more of you guys involved!! Reminder - these rules and Officers are official. Our bylaws provide for all decisions to be made by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. Also, no Club business will be conducted at the December meeting and banquet.
1. We elected officers for 2017 (effective Jan. 1, 2017):
President - Bill O.
Vice Pres. - Ricky L.
Secretary/Treasurer - Greg G.
Tournament Dir. - Mike O.
Asst. Tournament Dir. - Glenn L.
Conservation Dir. - Roger F.
Membership Dir. - Juan S.
2. We discussed and voted on Rules Changes/Updates (effective Nov. 1, 2017):
A. Points will now be rounded to the nearest 10th per pound weighed. EXAMPLE: If your weight is
10.52 pounds, you will get 10.5 points. If your weight is 10.95 pounds, you will get 11 points.
B. Should we schedule an 11th tournament to be fished as a team event with no points awarded?
We decided this is NOT a rule change. This can be discussed and implemented in January.
C. Engraved plates to go on plaques will be given to both the winner and 2nd place finisher of each
regular season tournament.
D. The tournament entry fees will be increased by $5 for a one day event and $10 for a 2 day event.
One day tournament fee = $40. Two day tournament fee = $50. This will pay for the additional plates
given to 2nd place finishers and provide more monies for the Classic, Banquet, etc. There will still be an
additional $5 per day big bass pot at each tournament.
E. The Club will now keep 30% of the monies from tournament entry fees (not including the Classic).
We currently keep 20%. I'll provide a new breakdown for tournament payouts at the January meeting.
3. We discussed the importance of having working live wells. These should be part of the pre-take off check made by the Tournament Director.
4. We also discussed the need to have running lights on if we launch before "safe light." BASS defines Safe light as 1/2 hour AFTER the officially posted time of sunrise. We also discussed that the Tournament Director will check and enforce the BASS rule that states each boat must have a functioning kill switch. This will be checked prior to take off as well.