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West Suburban Bass Angler - Monthly Meeting Minutes

January 2019 Meeting Minutes



Here are the notes and attendance from our January meeting:


Attendees: Greg G., Mike O., Mike R., Ricky L., Roger F., Frank R., Dave R., Adam F., Mike W., Steve W., Bill Z., Lou G., Bill O., Nate W., Sean B.

Guests:  Mike Gilmartin, Ralph Antfellner


  1.  Mike R., our new President welcomed everyone and introduced the new Club Officers for 2019.

  2. Greg reminded everyone that the IBN and BASS rosters are due.  Annual dues ($120) need to be paid along with the optional entry into the Annual Big Bass Pot ($25).

  3. Mike O. introduced former members Mike Gilmartin & Ralph Antfellner.  Both are interested in coming back this year.

  4. Mike O. reminded Boaters to send him their new insurance certificates.

  5. Mike O. distributed our 2019 schedule and we reviewed it.  REMINDER - the Annual Palatine Fishing Derby is on May 18th.

  6. We discussed our first tournament at Lake of the Ozarks:

    1. We will stay at Point Randall Resort (see email sent by Mike O.).

    2. Lou G. gave a rundown of the lake as he used to live there.  Frank R. gave info too as he has previously fished it.

    3. We decided to draw partners at our February meeting in order to allow time to plan for travel.

  7. Bill O. proposed we have a back up lake for our Spring tournament at Pool 13 in case it is not fishable.

  8. Nate distributed fliers he has made up to pass out at the upcoming fishing shows.  The Schaumburg show is Jan. 24 - 27.

  9. Mike R. will attend the annual IBN President's conference on Feb. 16th.

  10. Steve W.  distributed info from the IHSA about safety during bad weather.

  11. The IBN has an annual circuit.  It is fished in a team format.

  12. We will have our annual tackle sale and swap in February.


January 2019

February 2019 Meeting Minutes



Here are the notes and attendance from Wednesday's meeting.


Attendees:  Mike R., Mike O., Greg G., Glenn L., Ricky L., Matt Y., Roger F., Dave R., Mike W., Joe V., Lou G., Adam F., Bill Z., Steve W.

New Member:  Sam Lake (Joined at meeting)

Guests/Potential New Members:  Shaun V., Ralph A., Todd (Palatine Park District).


  1.  WSBA reimbursed Mike O. $150 (cash) for tournament permits that he paid for.

  2. Mike R. introduced Sean V., Sam L., and Todd (Palatine Park Dist.)

  3. Mike W. has updated the website.  Please refer to it for Club  info including meeting dates.  NOTE: 2 meeting dates have been changed due to conflicts with tournaments.

  4. We discussed the Palatine Fishing Derby.  Steve W., Roger F., and Bill Z. have been working with Todd from the Palatine Park Dist. to plan the event.  The derby is on Saturday, May 18th.  There is a fishing class on Friday, May 17th.  We will need at least 13 members to be present to run the Derby.  4-5 members to run the fishing class on Friday.  Todd stated that the derby is published in the Park District catalog.  They are also creating fliers for the event.  Steve, Roger, and Bill are working on sponsors for the Derby.  Please let them know if you have someone that may be willing to be a sponsor or if you want to donate prizes or money toward the Derby.

  5. Nate is working on fliers for WSBA that can be posted at local tackle stores or given to potential new members.

  6. Boaters need to send Mike O. their 2019 insurance certificates.

  7. Mike R. and Ricky L. will attend the IBN Presidnets meeting on Saturday, Feb. 16th.

  8. Greg handed out the annual Release of Liability forms that we all need to sign before the season starts.  This form can be found on our website.  It is the last page of our 2019 Club Rules.  Greg will have copies at future meetings as well.

  9. We drew for partners for our April tournament at Lake of the Ozarks.  Mike O. will send a separate email with pairings.

  10. We discussed cabin arrangements for Lake of the Ozarks.  Mike O. will work on cabin assignments prior to our March meeting.

  11. We had our annual tackle swap.



March 2019 Meeting Minutes


Here are the attendance and notes from the March 13th meeting:

Attendees:  Mike R, Mike O, Bill O, Greg G, Glenn L, Kennedy G, Roger F, Dave R, Steve W, Mike W, Bill Z, Lou G, Adam F, Nate W

Guests:  Scott S and Jesse

  1.  Mike R. opened the meeting and introduced our guest, Jesse, a friend of Steve W.

  2. We offered sympathy and prayers to Mike G. on the loss of his mother.

  3. Nate W. distributed fliers to be posted at bait shops, etc.

  4. Bill Z. showed us photos of the banner that the Palatine Park Dist. will post at the Plum Grove lagoon for the Fishing Derby.

  5. We are still looking for sponsors for the Fishing Derby.

  6. Steve W. is looking into possible grants for the Fishing Derby.

  7. Mike R. and Ricky L. attended the IBN Annual President's Conference in February:

    1. The BASS Nation is going back to 6 Regions in 2020.  There are currently 3 Regions.  Illinois will be in the North Central Region.

    2. Illinois has proposed an idea to have 3 State Tournaments in the future.  There is currently 1.

    3. The 2019 State Tournament is at Pools 13-14-15 on the Mississippi River on Sept. 12 & 13.  Cost is $130 per Angler.  Rosters are due Aug. 1.

    4. Mike R. has a booklet published by the IBN that answers questions about insurance coverage, etc. and has info on bonus programs, the IBN State Series Tournaments, and Rules for the State Tournament.

    5. Mike R. has the annual IBN financial statement.

  8. Mike O. discussed the lake of the Ozarks tournament:

    1. Mike sent an email with cabin assignments.

    2. The A-Rig is allowed there with 3 hooks (2 dummies are allowed).

    3. We discussed food to be brought for dinner Friday & Saturday.  Mike O. will send an email.

    4. All boats will have a covered slip with power at the resort.  They do not want boats to be pulled out daily.

    5. Reminder to those fishing to get their Missouri license.

  9. Mike R. discussed boating safety and etiquette.



April 2019 Meeting Minutes


Here is the attendance and notes from the April 10th meeting:


Attendees:  Greg G., Mike O., Frank R., Roger F., Ricky L., Adam F., Bill Z., Steve W., Bill O., Lou G., Nate W.

New Members that joined at meeting:  Mike Gilmartin and Jack Stein (both non-boaters)

Guests: Todd from Palatine PD, Scott (Nate's friend that fished with him at Lake of the Ozarks)


  1.  We all extend our sympathies to Joe V. whose father passed away.

  2. We welcomed new members Mike G. and Jack S.

  3. We welcomed Todd from the Palatine PD

  4. Steve W., Bill Z., Roger F., and Todd updated us on the Annual Fishing Derby:

    1. We have some additional sponsors.  Bill Z. got a hotel gift certificate.  The Rivers Casino may sponsor too.

    2. Todd distributed flyers for us to hand out.

    3. There will be a banner at the reservoir for 2 weeks prior to the event that will advertise it.

    4. Looking into matching funds, etc. from BASS or IBN.

    5. We will need an MC for the event as Frank cannot be there.

  5. We discussed our new policy that allows a Guest to fish 2 tournaments per year.  Greg G. asked if this would apply to a Boater.  Former member Jeff Schutz has inquired.  It was decided that a Boater could fish as a Guest.  He would not be assigned a non-boater unless a non-boater woul dotherwise not have a partner.  The Guest Boater cannot bring a Guest non-boater.

  6. We recapped the Lake of the Ozarks tournament.

  7. We drew partners for Pool 13 on May 4th.




May 2019 Meeting Minutes


Here is the attendance and notes from the May 8th meeting.


ATTENDEES:  Greg G., Glenn L., Roger F., Mike R., Dave R., Adam F., Mike W., Mike G., Ricky L., Nate W., Jack S., Steve W., Lou G., Bill Z.

GUESTS:  Frank Stompanato and Dean Coronato


  1.  We welcomed former member Dean C. who may be interested in re-joining.

  2. We discussed the results of the May 4th Fox Chain tournament.

  3. Nate brought flyers to be distributed at the Palatine Fishing Derby.

  4. Ricky distributed Make-A-Wish tickets to all present.  Each member must purchase/sell 10 tickets.  Each ticket is worth $.50 to the Club.

  5. We discussed the Palatine Fishing Derby that is on May 18th.

    1. We opened a large donation box from Karl's Mystery Tackle Box.

    2. We thanked Frank S. for his $250 donation to the Fishing Derby and his $500 donation to WSBA.

    3. We thanked all members for their donations of money and/or prizes.  An anonymous club member donated $250.

    4. Members packed 150 prize bags of donated items to be distributed at the Fishing Derby.

    5. Members signed up for duties at the Derby.

  6. The annual IBN AOY tournament is June 8th at Lake Clinton.  Adam F. and Matt Y. are going.

  7. We drew partners for Lake Geneva on May 19 and Green Lake on June 1.


  8. We had our monthly 50/50 Raffle.  All winnings and proceeds were donated to the Palatine Fishing Derby funds.



June 2019 Meeting Minutes


Here are the notes and attendance from the June 12th meeting:


Attendees:  Greg G., Mike G., Frank R., Joe V., Dave R., Roger F., Kennedy G., Jack S., Nate W., Bill O., Adam F., Glenn L., Ricky L.


  1.  Adam & Matt fished the AOY tournament at Lake Clinton.  They each weighed in 1 fish.  Adam caught one near 7 lbs. in practice.

  2. We recapped the Lake Geneva and Green Lake tournaments.

  3. Roger F. gave a wrap of the Palatine Fishing Derby:

    1. There were ab out 100 fisherman that participated.

    2. Awards were given for big fish and most fish by age group.

    3. The Club netted about $750 from running the Derby.

    4. There was a lot of positive feedback from participants.

    5. Thanks to all who helped and contributed.

  4. We drew partners for Lake Okauchee and Lake St. Clair.  See the email from Mike O. with partners and launch orders.  WE HAVE 3 NON-BOATERS WAITING TO FISH OKAUCHEE.  Boaters, please let Mike O. know if you can/will jump in.

  5. Mike O. sent a separate email with hotel info for Lake St. Clair.



July 2019 Meeting Minutes


Here are the July meeting notes and attendance.


Attendees:  Greg G., Glenn L., Mike R., Ricky L., Dave R., Roger F., Bill Z.

Guest:  Joe G.


  1.  We welcomed Joe as a guest.  He is a Non-Boater.

  2. Make A Wish Tickets are due now.  If you haven't turned your in, please contact Ricky.

  3. The roster for the IBN State tournament is due August 1st.  Greg will sent it in on Tuesday, July 23rd.  If you want to fish, contact Greg and Mike R. by Monday, July 22nd.  The cost is $130.

  4. We recapped the Okauchee and Lake St. Clair tournaments.

  5. We drew partners for Pool 14 on August 10th.  We have 2 Non-boaters waiting for partners.  Please call Mike O. if you can jump in.



August 2019 Meeting Minutes

Attendees:  Greg G., Mike O., Glenn L., Mike R., Frank R., Roger F., Dave R., Mike W., Nate W., Adam F., Bill Z., Joe G., Jack S.


  1.  Joe G. said he enjoyed fishing his first tournament at Pool 14.

  2. The website is currently up to date.

  3. Thanks to Jack for getting us new weigh-in bags.

  4. Ricky turned the AOY tickets in to the IBN.

  5. 2 teams are going to the IBN State Tournament in Sept. 14-15 (Frank R. & Mike R.  Bill O. & Matt Y.)

  6. The State Tournament format and incentives were explained.

  7. We recapped the Pool 14 tournament.

  8. We drew partners for Madison Chain and Pine Lake.

  9. We voted for the location of our Classic.  The La Crosse pool of the Miss. River won.



September 2019 Meeting Minutes


Here are the notes and attendance from the Sept. 11th meeting:


Attendees:  Greg G., Mike O., Dave R., Glenn L., Roger F., Bill O., Bill Z., Nate W., Adam F., Joe G.


  1.  Our October meeting will be held the week after the Classic on Oct. 16th.

  2. Start thinking about possible rule changes for next year.  Also, if you want to run for a position as a Club Officer or nominate another member, consider that too.

  3. Our Classic Hotel is the Econolodge.  Please refer to Mike O's email.  You must change a room to your name  by Sept. 20th.  8 rooms are being held until that date.

  4. We extended good luck wishes to the members fishing the State Qualifier this weekend - Frank R., Mike R., Bill O., and Matt Y.

  5. We recapped the Madison Chain and Pine Lake tournaments.

  6. We drew partners for Whitewater and the Classic at LaCrosse.


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