West Suburban Bass Angler - Monthly Meeting Minutes
January2022 Meeting Minutes
Here are the Attendance and Notes from our Jan. 12, 2022 meeting.
ATTENDEES: Mike R., Greg G., Frank R., Ricky L., Dave H., Mike O., Bill O., Andrew V., Tim G., Bart P., Roger F., Mike Wol., Nate W., Kyle B., Steven K., Ralph A.,
James P
GUESTS: Derek, Mario, John
Mike R. welcomed all to WSBA for 2022.
All Club Officers remain the same for 2022. Matt Y. is now Asst. Tournament Director.
Mike R. declared that this will be his last year to serve as Club President. Greg G. declared he will be moving out of state sometime in the next year.
We reviewed the Rule Changes adopted for 2022.
The IBN State Tournament (6 Man) is Sept. 24 - 25 at Pool 13.
The IBN will not have an AOY tournament in 2022.
Mike R. and Adam F. will attend the IBN President's meeting on Feb. 19th. The IBN will have a poker tournament after the meeting to raise funds for the State Team. Participation is encouraged.
Our Annual Conservation Project, The Palatine Fishing Derby, is scheduled for May 14th. Ricky is coordinating with the Palatine Park District.
Mike R. welcomed guests Derek, Mario, and John.
Mike Wright will have all info updated on our website. Please check the site for dates, etc.
Mike O. distributed and discussed our 2022 schedule.
Mike O. discussed the Lake of Ozarks tournament. Cabins have been reserved.
Boaters need to send their updated Insurance Certificates to Mike O.
Greg G. will be collecting Dues and Fees for 2022. Please pay asap so rosters can be submitted to the IBN and BASS.
Ralph discussed and distributed glue to all Boaters.
Mike R. handed out awards, plaques, and trophies for the 2021 season.
February2022 Meeting Minutes
Here are the attendance and meeting notes from our Feb. 9, 2022 meeting.
ATTENDEES: Mike R., Greg G., James P., Adam F., Roger F., Mike Wright, Ricky L., Tim G., Bart P., Nate W., Kyle B., Steven K., Dave H., John D., Ralph A., Mike Wol., Joe G., Mark M.,
GUESTS: Phil, Brad D., Mario M.
Mike R. welcomed Joe G. back for 2022. He also welcomed guests Phil, Brad, and Mario. Mario joined the Club at the meeting.
The IBN President's Meeting is on Feb. 19th. Mike R. and Adam F. will attend.
The IBN State Tournament is Sept. 24 - 25 on Pool 13. Mike R. sent around a sign-up sheet for those that are interested in fishing this tournament. There is a $150 entry fee that each angler must pay.
Make-A-Wish tickets will be distributed at the March meeting. Since our sales are low, it was decided that each Club member shall now be responsible for 15 tickets at $2 each. Tickets will be managed by Adam F.
The IBN is also hosting its annual Texas Hold 'Em poker tournament on Feb. 19th. This is their fundraiser for sending the State team to the Divisional tournament. Since we do not participate, we send the IBN $120.
Our Annual Conservation Project - The Palatine Fishing Derby is scheduled for May 14th. There is also a angler education session that we hold on May 13th in the evening. We need approximately 10 people to host the Derby. Contact Ricky L. for more info or to assist.
Greg reminded all that membership dues must be paid now as the IBN and BASS rosters must be submitted. Cash/Check/Venmo can be used for payment.
Mike O. announced that the Madison & Green Lake tournament dates have been switched due to the permit process for Green Lake.
Mike O. discussed our Lake of the Ozarks tournament. Based on participation, we will need more cabins. Mike O. will assist with the arrangements.
We drew partners for the Lake of the Ozarks tournament.
Boaters must provide proof of insurance to Mike O.
Steven K. and Tim G. stated they have friends who may be interested in joining.
A 50/50 raffle was held.
March2022 Meeting Minutes
Here is the attendance and meeting notes from our March 9th meeting:
Attendees: Mike R., Mike O., Ralph A., Ricky L., Greg G., Dave H., John D., Bill O., Andrew V., Glenn L., Roger F., Nate W., Lou G., Adam F., Steven K., Kyle B.,
Mike Wol., Mario M., Mark M.
Guests: Jacob B., Roger M. Roger M. joined at the meeting.
Mike R. attended the IBN President's meeting;
The IBN is offering 50% off on any/all St. Croix rods. Limit is 5 per person. Mike R. will send them our email addresses.
The IBN also offers discounts on Oil, etc. Visit their website for offers & details.
The IBN will host a Conservation Project in 2022. More info to come.
The IBN will pay Clubs $500 to perform a lake clean up. Ricky L. will contact them for details.
The IBN is hosting a soft plastics recycling program and will collect used plastics at the State Tournament.
The IBN is hosting the Ralph Sweat Memorial Tournament to provide scholarships to youth anglers. It's a team tournament on May 1st at the Des Plaines River. Cost is $150 per team.
The IBN is holding a Team Series again this year.
The IBN needs Boats/Boaters for youth events.
Greg reported that the IBN has raised dues this year from $40 per member to $65 per member. This was not announced by the IBN. Since we have already set and paid dues for 2022, the additional $25 per member is optional. However, we will need to raise Club dues in 2023to account for this. The IBN has the highest dues in the region. Most other states are charging $30 per member. Ohio is charging $50.
Mike R. reported that we have 2 Teams for the State Tournament (3 Boaters + 3 Non-boaters). We also have 2 more Boaters and 1 more Non-boater. All can fish, but we'd like to see if we can complete a 3rd team.
Adam distributed MAW (Make A Wish) raffle tickets. Each member must take 15 tickets at $2 each. More are available from Adam.
Mike O. reviewed the Lake Of the Ozarks tournament and cabin assignments. There will be a Club BBQ on Friday & Saturday night. Lou will bring food.
Please pay him for your share at the tournament.
April 2022 Meeting Minutes
Here is the Attendance and Notes from our April 13, 2022 meeting:
Attendees: Mike O, Ralph A, Mike R, Greg G, Roger F, Mike Wright, Tim G, Bill O, Dave H, John D, Dave R, Andrew V, Nate W, Glenn L, Ricky l, Kyle B, Steven K, Mark M, Bart P, Mike Wollenberg
Ricky L updated us on the Palatine Fishing Derby to be held on May 14th. It will go from 8:00 am to Noon and we will need 7 - 8 people to help run it. Palatine Park District is providing additional staff and golf carts, etc. Ther is a Fishing Class on May 13th from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. We need 2 - 3 people to run it.
Mike R gave Mark M his 2021 Award plaque.
Bill O & Ralph are Captains for our 2022 IBN State Qualifier teams. We currently have 2 Boaters and 2 Non-boaters in addition. Contact Mike R if you are interested. We need 1 more Boater & 1 Non-boater to make a 3rd team. Cost is $160 per person.
We will update pour Rules and the IBN dues on our website.
There is a memorial tournament for former IBN President Ralph Sweat, May 1st on the Des Plaines River.
Mike O recapped the Lake of the Ozarks tournament. If you haven't done so already, please pay Lou $15 & Bill O $5 for food.
Our next tournament is May 7th on Okauchee. It's opening weekend in WI so plan on getting to the launch early.
Remember to purchase your WI fishing license.
We drew partners for Okauchee.
Adam distributed MAW tickets. Each member is responsible for 15 tickets at $2 each. Contact Adam if you haven't received yours.
May 2022 Meeting Minutes
Here is the Attendance and Notes from our May 11th meeting:
Attendees: Greg G, Mike R, Steven K, Kyle B, Roger F, Adma F, Mike Woll, Pete R, Ricky L, James P, Frank R, Bart P, Dave R, Tim G, Bill O, Dave H, Nate W, Andrew V, Mario M.
Guests: Bryan Cahill. Bryan subsequently joined us as a Non-Boater. He is attached to this email list.
We welcomed our new member, Pete R. who joined as a Non-Boater.
We welcomed our guest, Bryan C.
Ricky discussed the Palatine Fishing Derby scheduled for May 14th. We thanked Frank for procuring all the Ardent Rod & Reel combos we will give as prizes.
We discussed the State Tournament in September. Those fishing need to start paying their $160 entry fees to Greg. We need 1 more Boater to complete our 3rd Team. More info to come from the Team Captains.
Nate reported that he never received the email that Bryan C. sent us.
We recapped our Okauchee Tournament.
We drew partners for Delavan (May 24th) and Green Lake (July 4th).
June 2022 Meeting Minutes
Notes from the June meeting
Mike will be drawing for Madison partners TOMORROW. Tell him if you're in ASAP for the draw. And make sure your paid up
- next meeting will be July 20, hopefully somewhere else. Tim suggested heavenly bodies.
- thanks to volunteers at fishing derby. Shout out to the Ramsey's for their help and hook up with prizes. We collected $215, which goes to the kitty. Another shout out to Ricky and Roger for planning the derby
- state tournament dues are due ASAP. Pay Greg.
- recapped delavan. Jeff won boaters. Brian won co-anglers
- need to shorten our weigh in line, so don't bag your fish if there's a long line to increase fish survivability. Try to keep the line SHORT
- recapped Green. Tim smashed largemouth on the boater side. Greg got crafty on the co-angler side
- 5.25lb is leading big bass for the year.
- Madison off limits between Monona and Rt 12 bridge. Mendota is off limits entirely. See Mike Olson's email if I typed it wrong
- Mike will draw partners and launch order for Madison. Make sure you're paid up.
- 10 rooms being held at the hotel in Gladstone for Bay de Noc tournament. Make sure your flares are up to date boaters
July 2022 Meeting Minutes
Attendance taken my Mike O
State tournament. Teams were adjusted to accommodate roster changes. Derby info was shared
Bill O booked rooms at Savanna Inn & Suites for his team. Ralph booked rooms at a hotel to be shared later for his team
No membership updates.
Nate to whip up a 1-pager to give to new guys on what to have, what not to bring
Make-a-Wish. Adam wants more money to pay for his sausage habits
Roger Munoz and Marc M owe money to Adam for Make-a-Wish
Recapped Bay de Congrats Nate & Kyle
Recapped Madison, congrats John & Greg
Need to find a new meeting place. Everyone should be going to restaurants/bars in their area and ask management if they have private rooms with CLOSING DOORS, and does NOT charge for use of that room
Launch fees for the state tournament at pool 13 need to be paid PRIOR to the derby. Mike will collect
Venmo any tournament entries to Greg @greg-groves-1
Partners drawn for Winneconne
Partners drawn for Pool 13
August 2022 Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Mike R, Dave H, Greg G, Bill O, Mike O, Ricky L, Nate W, Andrew V, Bart P, Roger F, Kyle B, Dave R, John D, Steven K, Frank R, Peter R, Mario M, Mike Woll.
We wished Dave R. a Happy Birthday!!
Mike R. handed out info for the State Qualifier tournament including meeting location, hotel rooms booked, and that nets will not be allowed.
Nate informed us that Sublime Jerseys are available.
Ricky reported that our tournament weigh-ins have been going well.
Mike Wright has been keeping the website updated. Please go to it for tournament results and info.
We recapped the Winneconne tournament.
We discussed the Pool 13 tournament:
We will launch that the Savanna marina
We must pre-pay Mike O for launch fees on the day of the tournament.
We'll start at 6:30 am. Earlier if we are all launched and ready to go.
We discussed our Classic tournament. We voted via email and will go to Little Bay De Noc. We voted at the meeting and decided on the weekend of Oct. 15-16. Mike O will call Stemac's for cabins. Other resorts are nearby as well.
We drew partners for Pewaukee on Sept. 10th.
September 2022 Meeting Minutes
ATTENDEES: Bill O, Tim G, Nate W, Bart P, Ricky L, Greg G, Mike R, Dave H, Mike O, Dave R, Kyle B, Steven K, Adam F, Peter R, Frank R, Mark M, Ralph A, Mike Woll
GUEST: Mark Brill
We welcomed guest and former member Mark Brill who is retired and living in Florida.
Thanks to Dave H. for setting us up to meet at the Tap House in Palatine.
it was noted that Whitewater lake does not have many weeds left. Steven K/Mike R are battling for AOY on the Boater side. Kyle B/Bart P/Greg G are in contention on the Non-Boater side.
The current leader for the Annual Big Bass Pot is Nate's 5.46 lbs. This pot does include the Classic.
We discussed the IBN State Qualifier tournament:
Please view the video that was sent for rules, map for check-in, key fobs, no net rules, and off limits.
If you go under certain bridges, you will need an Iowa license. If you get a ticket for not having one, you will be disqualified.
You must be off the water by Noon on Friday and attend the pre-tournament meeting at 2:30 pm.
The Boater and Co-Angler must weigh in together.
It is an additional $10/day for the big bass pot.
Off limits is this Sunday at Midnight.
Mike R. won our annual Fantasy Fishing competition.
We will have a cookout on Friday and Saturday at the Classic. Details to follow.
We recapped the Pool 13 and Pewaukee tournaments.
We drew partners for Whitewater and the Classic (Little Bay de Noc).
October 2022 Meeting Minutes
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Andrew V, Dave H, Nate W, Kyle B, Steven K, Tim G, Dave R, Bill O, Peter T, Mike O, Ricky L, Bart P
We recapped the 2022 IBN State tournament. Congrats to Mike R and Tim G on making the state team!! Our teams finished in 4th and 6th place in overall team competition. We had several anglers in the top 12.
Congrats to our AOY winners Steven K and Kyle B. Great job!!
The leader for our Annual Big Bass Pot is currently Steven K's 5.85 lb largemouth he caught at Whitewater. Let's see if that holds up at Little Bay De Noc!!
We recapped our Whitewater tournament.
We have a permit for Little Bay De Noc. The water temp is currently 55F and cooling. Don't forget your Michigan license.
We reviewed cabin assignments for Little Bay De Noc. See email sent by Mike O. Remember, Stemac's only takes cash or check.
We discussed cookouts for Little Bay De Noc. Tim G is making chili for Friday night. Bart P will pick up food for brats/burgers/hot dogs on Saturday. You are on your own for Wednesday and Thursday.
We will fish for 9 hours on Saturday and 7 hours on Sunday at Little Bay. Times to be determined.
We nominated/discussed Club Officers for 2023. You MUST attend the November meeting to vote.
President - Mike Rubino
Vice President - Adam Falkiewicz
Secretary/Treasurer - Greg Groves
Tournament Director - Mike Olson
Assistant Tournament Director - Matt Yeisley, Steven Klasing
Membership Director - Nate Wilson
f. Conservation Director - Dave Homan (Ricky Lezcano to assist)
We discussed potential Rule Changes for 2023. Separate email to follow. You MUST attend the November meeting to vote.
Dave Homan State Farm Office will donate $500 toward prize money for 2023 AOY's.
November 2022 Meeting Minutes
Here are the Attendance & Meeting Notes from our meeting held on Nov. 9,2022. Please see the attached Rule Changes that were voted on at this meeting. The Rule Changes are highlighted.
ATTENDEES: Greg G, Mike R, Mike O, Bill O, Dave H, Tim G, Nate W, Andrew V, Peter T, Bart P, Mike Wol, Kyle B, Adam F, Mario M
Mike R congratulated Bart P & Frank R on their Classic victories.
We offered thoughts and prayers to Frank R as his father recently passed.
Thanks to Dave H (Dave Homan State Farm) for his donation toward next year's AOY winners.
Please remember to pay Bart P for food at the Classic if you have not already done so.
Mike R has ordered the awards for the December Banquet. Please bring the plates from your plaques to the December meeting for use next year.
We confirmed Club Officers for 2023:
President - Mike R
Vice President - Adam F
Secretary/Treasurer - Greg G
Tournament Director - Mike O
Asst. Tournament Directors - Matt Y & Steven K
Membership Director - Nate W
Conservation Director - Dave H
We voted on Rule Changes for 2023 (see attached).
We have renewed our website for the next 2 years. Mike Wright will continue to run it.
Bowerman Baits (Kyle B) will donate $200 toward next year's AOY winners.
Our December meeting is our annual banquet. WSBA will pay for food and soft drinks for members. Alcohol is not included. The Banquet will be held on Dec. 14,2022 at 7:00 pm at the Tap House Grill in Palatine.
Please start sending Mike O suggestions for 2023 tournament locations.